Commercial excellence transformation: Manufacturers of automation, electronics, and electric engineering

21. November 2024 10:00 - 10:40 CET

In turbulent times producers of automation, electronics, and electric engineering face unprecedented challenges.

While the last years were signified by dramatic cost boosts and pressure on price increases, market movement has now become highly dynamic, and demand is no longer a constant.

Sales teams are often unsure where the ‘market price’ lies and thus struggle to optimally commercialize value.

Join our live webinar to learn about commercial excellence / pricing transformation to regain the helm and jump-start your profitability.

Valuable practical knowledge in 40 minutes

Michael Fechner will guide you through:

  • Implementing differentiated value-based pricing methods to extract maximize product value.
  • Set up advanced international price management for optimal local pricing across subsidiaries.
  • Introducing and enforcing advanced customer differentiation for intelligent pricing guidance.

Benefit from decades of successful project experience and equip your company with the tools it needs to thrive. For this purpose, we invite you to join our free live webinar!

Each participant can submit individual questions in advance or to discuss them directly in the webinar.

If you have any questions before or after the webinar, please feel free to contact our expert Michael Fechner (Partner) at any time.

Register now for November 21st

Michael Fechner

Michael Fechner

+49 (0)176 133 27 118
Michael Fechner ist Partner bei Prof. Roll & Pastuch. Seit über 18 Jahren ist er weltweit als Berater für internationale Großkonzerne und mittelständische Unternehmen tätig. Vor seinem Einstieg bei Roll & Pastuch war er als Projektleiter bei Simon-Kucher & Partners tätig und arbeitete dabei mehrere Jahre in London. Sein Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Bereichen Strategie, Vertrieb und Preismanagement. Herr Fechner publiziert Fachartikel und spricht zu praxisbezogenen Strategie, Pricing- und Vertriebsthemen. Mehr erfahren